Join us on the journey to our new hospital.
In this timeline you can follow our progress. From early ideas to final design concepts. From when we ‘break the ground’ to when we open our doors. And a host of other key events, moments and milestones in between.
It’s important to note that our timings are subject to change so we haven’t included any dates. As this programme last several years, keep scrolling down to see all the key stages of our journey!
We will update this timeline with dates, when we are able to do so.

September 2019
Major health investment plan announced
The Government sets out plans for a major hospital building programme, which includes proposals for a brand new hospital for Harlow

October 2020
New PAH announced as a frontrunner
We are announced as one of the first eight hospitals to get the go-ahead to develop our plans as part of the Government’s health infrastructure plan

January 2025
New Hospital Programme funding announced
Secretary of State Wes Streeting MP confirms that our new hospitals will be fully funded with construction starting in 2032.

Next step
Public consultation for planning application
We ask for your views on our new hospital so we can add your feedback into the local planning application

Next step
Planning application submitted
Having gathered your views and all the other information we need to support our
planning application we now submit this to the local planning authority

Next step
Outline Business Case submitted
We submit an outline business case to demonstrate to NHSE, NHP and Government how our new hospital will be affordable, achievable and provide good value for money

Next step
Outline business case approved
HM Treasury gives approval for us to continue with our plans and move to the next stage which is preparing a full business case

Next step
Full business case submitted
We submit our full business case which provides detailed plans to NHSE, NHP and Government showing how our new hospital will deliver all the services we need to provide and can be successfully achieved on time and on budget

Next step
Full business case approved
HM Treasury gives us the money to build our new hospital, and we start commissioning all the contractors that will help us build as well as start preparation work on the site before construction can start

Next step
Enabling works are completed
This is the very first step in most construction projects, and covers activities from site preparation, building access routes through to putting up safety signs and installing security fencing

Next step
Construction starts
In 2032 we expect construction work to start and that’s when we turn our vision for an exciting, state of the art new hospital into reality

Next step
Construction ends
The building and grounds, including parking spaces, landscaping and other outdoor facilities are complete, ready for us to move in

Next step
Building is fully commissioned
Once the building is ready, we then need to get it fully operational, making sure everything is in good working order and that our staff, equipment, facilities and services are all in place and good to go

Final step
Our doors open!
We welcome our first visitors to the new Princess Alexandra Hospital and celebrate our collective achievement in building a hospital for the future, together!
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