We want to hear from you
When designing the new Princess Alexandra Hospital, it is really important we consider the experience our patients, our visitors and our people want us to provide. By asking you directly, we’re able to do just that.
Here you can take part in our polls and surveys. Your views matter and every response counts!
Latest poll
Which of these statements do you think is most important for a hospital in terms of its green strategy?
You believe hospitals should lead the way in their communities in reducing carbon emissions
Which of these statements do you think is most important for a hospital in terms of its green strategy?
You would support more locally-sourced food to reduce energy use
Which of these statements do you think is most important for a hospital in terms of its green strategy?
Hospitals should encourage more car sharing and travel by public transport whenever it is appropriate and safe to do so
Which of these statements do you think is most important for a hospital in terms of its green strategy?
You think hospitals should play a role in supporting local biodiversity
Which of these statements do you think is most important for a hospital in terms of its green strategy?
You support the removal of single use plastics and more recycling options in hospital
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